Pelvic Floor Interview with the Grateful Goddess

I was delighted to be highlighted in Shelia Sornsin website as her Goddess of the Month. In my interview with her I was able to speak about one of my greatest passions ~ the pelvic floor. I even get to introduce my model pelves, Fred and Ginger.  I share a short pelvic floor awareness practice at the end. 

Please check out my interview here:

As a yoga instructor, Lyndi Rivers explains the importance of stretching and strengthening the pelvic floor for better ease and flow through life.

Beef Bone Broth

Beef Bone Broth

I started making bone broth a year ago and love it! It has become a staple in my home. Here are some benefits of drinking bone broth on a regular basis! Bone broth is rich is nutrients: Minerals – calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, these are easily absorbed in the body  and helps keep our own bones and teeth health and strong